By Gary Stocks
The highly-anticipated opening to the WAAFL season is just 10 days away and the North Beach Amateur Football Club will again field seven teams across the grades, with five senior and two colts combinations.
The season will mark the return of a couple of familiar North Beach names to the coaching ranks with Craig Dalton (Phil Scott Colts) and Brett Christie (thirds) committing to those roles.
The pre-season has been solid and strong under the direction of senior coach David Hynes and the boys look in good shape as the season looms large.
Four teams will round out pre-season preparations with a final hit-out against Scarborough at Charles Riley Reserve on Saturday and the club would urge supporters to head down for an early glimpse at the talent on hand.
The day will start with the colts at 9am, followed by a thirds/fourths hit-out at 10.50am, with the A Reserves kicking off at 12.40pm before the seniors have their first contest against an opponent at 2.30pm.
The seniors had previously enjoyed two intra-club hit outs and will relish the opportunity to battle Scarborough, a respected rival who will be looking for a solid hit out ahead of the opening to the 2013 season.
The fourths and fifths teams will play against Southern River, at Sunderland Park, Huntingdale, with games starting at noon and 2.30pm.
The appointment of Brett Christie as thirds coach has rounded out the coaching structure, but support crew is still required, so we’re looking for loyal North Beach people to provide valuable assistance.
Craig Dalton is also in need of a team manager for the Phil Scott Colts and below are the match-day responsibilities in that role. Please contact a committee member , Dave Barwick or Craig to register your interest.
1.Team sheet should have been completed via sporting pulse and 4 copies printed off for match day
2. Provide football to umpires (new for A Grade, all others a good condition ball)
3. Collect and store player valuables.
4. Check player names and numbers on team sheet, add or cross out as needed, and collect $10 match fee from every player
5. List coach and support staff on team sheet, 2 runners allowed and 6 water / trainers.
6. Coaches / Manager to sign team sheet 4 copies, 1 umpires copy, 1 opposition and 2 NBFC
7. Water bottles and container full.
8. Arrange water carriers and ensure they are correctly attired in coloured vests
9. Arrange scoreboard operator for home games
10. Boundary and Goal Umpires are WAAFL supplied for A Colts/ A Reserves and A Grade games. All other grades have club umpires which Boundary and Goal will need to be arranged.